What does success mean to you?
Everyone’s definition of success is very personal to them…
Some people want to be rich as fxck…
They want lambos…
All that flashy stuff.
Wanna know what my definition of success is?
It’s very simple…
Being able to do something you love…and make a living doing it.
Having the essentials covered and having some disposable income to buy the things you want…
But, I’m a bit of a minimalist.
Not too long ago I was still worried about survival…
So my tastes aren’t that fancy yet…I’m thrilled to be able to afford to eat when I want lmao
Anyways, my point is:
You have to chase what’s right for YOU.
You must not waste your life chasing someone else’s idea of success…
Because if you do that…
You’ll look back on your life with many regrets.
If you wanna work a job being told what to do…
If you wanna trade your time for money…
If you wanna look forward to the weekend because your weekdays are wack af…
That’s okay.
You have to do what’s best for YOU.
But, if you want to try something else…
Playing games, building your own business and community…
Then my “YouTube For Noobs” course will show you exactly how to do that.
This is the same system I used to go from worrying about my next meal…to doing, thinking and eating whatever I want.
If that interests you, go here:
Jay “Baguettes Smell Like Success” Cartere