This will get rid of your trolls and haters
Getting hate is just part of the game…
All I do is try to HELP people live a life they love…and I get haters regularly…
If JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH rolled up TOMORROW and started performing miracles…
He’d have HATERS too!
Let me tell you a quick story:
This morning, I saw a comment on my latest video…
A random dude said:
“this fool hasn’t achieved anything”
This is PEAK hater behaviour…
This statement can’t be defended by ANYONE with a drop of sense in their head…
For example I have:
Created a full-time income for myself online…
Released over 5 music projects. Written, engineered and produced (sometimes) by me…
Gained over 37k subscribers on YouTube…
Built businesses that help people and provide immense value…
I could go on and on…
The truth is:
People who try to shit on your achievements usually do that because they’re insecure…
And they haven’t achieved anything in their own lives…
It’s a stinky mix of jealousy and limiting beliefs.
But, it’s not my job to save these types of people…
I’ll NEVER have to hear from this dumbass again.
And, I’ll show you how to do the same, so you can get rid of your haters if you finish this email…
But, that’s not all:
Another random dude made a video talking about yesterday’s email…headline.
That’s right, not the ACTUAL EMAIL, but JUST the headline…
I’m sure you can tell the dude that made this video is a very well-informed and logical individual.
(That was sarcasm btw, I know it’s hard to show that stuff through text)
I actually visited this guy’s video to support him…
Because, I thought he would be actually discussing the EMAIL content – and yo… of course I wanna show love to my supporters.
(if you make a video about my emails, or any of my content, I’m THERE to SUPPORT AND WATCH IT – if i have time)
That wasn’t the case though:
First of all, this guy’s video was trash in terms of production…
This dude was just letting the camera roll while chilling at home…no structure…
Then, a few minutes into the random filler content…
He mentioned that he saw the headline of my email and he disagrees…
He then went on to call me stupid etc.
So, I commented and informed the gentlemen that he should probably, you know, READ the email he’s talking about before discussing it…
Can you guess what the dude said?
He said he NEVER subscribed to my emails!
He must think he’s mad important…or he’s just another liar on the internet…
Tbh, it’s POSSIBLE that someone else signed up to my email list with HIS email…
But, here’s the thing:
You HAVE to confirm your email address by clicking the link I send to you when you sign up…
And, you can ONLY confirm your email if you use a REAL EMAIL ADDRESS AND YOU HAVE ACCESS TO THAT EMAIL INBOX…
So…i’m not saying that dude is a big ass liar, but if the shoe fits…
Anyways, here’s the point:
If you try and UNDERSTAND or RATIONALIZE what HATERS do, you’re wasting your time…
Them niggas are mad crazy and upset at life…
Instead, watch the video below and learn how to GET RID OF YOUR HATERS…
This video will reveal:
How to protect your community and mental health on YouTube…
Why you WILL get haters trolls and negative comments (no MATTER what you do)
The BEST way to deal with these Negative Nancys (this will GET rid of your haters AND stop them coming back for more)
DON’T miss this:
All the best,
Jay “Keep Your Opinions” Cartere