The secret to being great on YouTube and everywhere else

​Have you ever made something…

And, you were so impressed with what you created that it feels like it was made by someone else?

That’s how I felt yesterday when I wrote a new song with some spicy lyrics and melodies…

The amazing thing is:

We have these abilities in us…

We have the capacity to create GREATNESS…

But, we often don’t give ourselves the chance in the first place.

There’s more:

I felt super insecure about my musical abilities recently…

This is because I took over 2 years off making music…and I came back rusty AF…

I was able to get over those feelings after jumping back into music production with both feet…

However, I still felt like my songwriting skills were severely lacking.

Only now, AFTER writing a good song, I realise that I still have a way with words…

So what does this mean for you?

Maybe you couldn’t care less about making music…

And, that’s okay, the lesson here is in DOING.

If you want to be good at making videos – DO IT.


Embrace being crap at it…

Put yourself in a position to have the CHANCE to come up with good ideas…

When you have a great idea – acknowledge that you have the ability to create GREATNESS…

Then, it’s back to the beginning of the cycle…but now you’ll be a little less crap at making videos.

Do you want to speed up process of making better content?

The best way to cut your learning time in half…is by learning from the mistakes and methods of someone who has reached the goal you want..

Luckily, I’m not a stingy guy who wants to keep all the keys to himself…

You can use my “YouTube For Noobs” system to make a full-time income on YouTube and do what you LOVE for a living…WITHOUT chasing subscribers and views…

Learn more here:

All the best,

Jay “Did I Make That?” Cartere

Jay Cartere

I’m Jay Cartere - a YouTube certified marketer, entrepreneur and author who teaches frustrated gamers how to grow on YouTube and turn their passions into a business. I went from poor AF to full-time online creator. Now I wake up and do what I love every day - and I want to help you do the same. When I’m not working I like to chill out with a good podcast, a good book or a good album.
