The YouTube academy
Last Sunday I decided to take a break.
I ended up searching Netflix, struggling to decide what to watch.
But my time is precious.
Even my leisure time. So I always watch a few reviews before dedicating hours of my life to a new film or series.
Then I realised something interesting:
There’s a BIG opportunity here…
Most of the large review YouTubers are NOT covering Netflix originals.
It’s FREE real estate…
But, I see one small YouTuber EVERY SINGLE TIME I look for a review on a Netflix series.
This guy is definitely ON HIS JOB.
His name is Austin Burke.
So what?
Well, I watched his review because I’ve seen his channel pop up so frequently.
And I now associate Netflix series reviews with Austin Burke, even though I’m not a big fan of his videos tbh.
Then – based on his glowing review – I enjoyed a great series called: The Umbrella Academy (I highly recommend it).
The lesson:
This same strategy can be applied to a gaming channel or ANY type of channel.
You could review the PS Plus free games every month.
Or whatever free games you get on Xbox etc.
Physical products, digital products – it’s up to you.
Do it for at least a year and YOU may be the person everyone thinks of when they think of that service.
It’s not hard to dominate the search results with a great amount of effort and the right strategy…
And if you want to discover how you can make some extra money from your reviews, I covered that in-depth in chapter 5 of my book.
Learn more here:
Jay Cartere