How To Grow Your YouTube Channel From 0 Views & Subscribers
In this post I’ll be teaching you How To Grow Your YouTube Channel From 0 Views & Subscribers and sharing tips on how to get more views and subscribers.
This post will focus on teaching you how to use your content to grow your YouTube channel.
Channel Art
First of all you should create or buy some channel art. Channels with no channel art at all look very amateurish and may cause potential subscribers to leave your channel. Good channel branding and art makes it look like you know what you’re doing (even if you don’t) and makes it seem more likely that your not just going to quit YouTube next week.
Good channel art will also effectively communicate the type of content you will be uploading to your channel, be sure to add your upload/streaming schedule here too.
My release schedule and other info is located on my YouTube channel art.
Be First
The second tip I’ve got for you is to try to be first. This means you are the first person to put out that type of content as this will allow you to gain the views of everyone looking for that video. This is by far the hardest thing to do as most content creators worth their salt are racing to be the first to put out content.
Another problem with trying to be first is that with around 400 hours of content uploaded to YouTube every minute it’s likely that someone has already uploaded the content you’re planning. This strategy is based a lot on luck and ingenious – you either have to be lucky enough to win the race or be ingenious enough to find a gap in the market.
If there ever was a silver bullet to growth on youtube, especially trying to grow your YouTube channel from 0 views & subscribers, this is it.
I was lucky and ingenious enough to be first when I uploaded my Metal Gear Solid 5 Online Gameplay videos. I was very excited to both play MGS 5 and get content out for it, however the bigger YouTubers and a lot of other aspiring YouTubers had started releasing their walkthroughs of the game before I even had a chance.
While everyone was focused on rushing to put out their walkthroughs, I saw that no one had shared gameplay of the online portion of the game – there was a gap in the market and I was quick to create content to fill it. My first online gameplay video of MGS 5 is now on over 180k views – much more than the first part of my walkthrough of MGS 5 which is on 214 views at the time of writing.
Use playlists to organise the content on your YouTube channel. This makes it much easier for a viewer to navigate your channel and find what they’re looking for. Make sure you also add your best playlists to your main channel layout so people do not need to click through to your playlists to see what content you have to offer.
I use playlists on my channel here:
Give People What They Want
When you’re trying to grow your YouTube channel from 0 views and subscribers giving people what they want is very important.
Focus on creating advice, tips and how to videos – this is referred to as Hygiene Content by YouTube. These types of videos are things people actually search for on YouTube – no one is searching for your latest walkthrough or your vlogs unless you are already established on YouTube.
There are two ways you can create this kind of content:
- Teach people something you already know and have experience with, this is probably the easiest way to create this kind of content and will likely result in more natural, better videos.
- Research something you want to teach and regurgitate that information in your own style. Make sure you are fully comfortable with the subject before you try to teach others about it though – misinformation is never good and can tarnish your reputation.
I made a video called How To Write A Rap song a few years ago and that video has now gained over 500k views. I used my knowledge as a rapper to help others create their own rap songs.
Cross Promote Between Your Videos
You should be using cards and end cards to promote your content across all your videos – this is especially true for your popular videos. Keeping a viewer on your channel and engaged with your content makes it much more likely that the viewer will subscribe to your channel and it also spreads views across the rest of your videos.
This is something the biggest and most marketing-savvy YouTubers do. It’s even more important for you to cross promote if you’re trying to grow your YouTube channel from 0 views and subscribers.
A good strategy is to promote a video that isn’t doing as well as you want it to on a video that is popular and gaining traction.
In my Ark Top 10 Tips you didn’t know video I have cards and end cards that promote my Ark tip playlist and my Ark PVP walkthrough playlists. I generally do something like this on all my videos.
Don’t Ignore Hub Content
Hub Content includes the videos that people who are already subscribed to you will enjoy and come back to your channel for. This can be (but is not limited to) walkthroughs, livestreams, Q&A videos, channel updates and vlogs.
This is important for you to grow your YouTube channel from 0 views and subscribers as this content can keep subscribers engaged with your channel. Remember that active subscribers are the only thing that matters – subscribers that do not watch your videos may as well not be subscribed at all.
If you create a variety of content then you will gain subscribers that subscribed to you for different things this will lead to disparity between the amount of subscribers you have and your view count due to your segmented viewer base. Don’t worry though, this is normal.
Hub content is your chance to persuade your subscribers to like your channel for you and not just for the video that made them initially subscribe.
I try to update my subscribers on the changes direction of the channel whenever I make big changes or change up my content.
Inspire, Entertain Or Educate
All of your content should do at least one of the above if you want to grow on YouTube and create a successful channel. Great videos do more than one – entertaining education is always good.
Keep this in mind whenever you plan a new video or press that record button. Ask yourself why someone would watch your video – if it isn’t because the content is entertaining, inspiring or informative then you should go back to the drawing board.
Make A Content Schedule And Stick To It
Having a content schedule is very important when trying to grow your YouTube channel from 0 views and subscribers as it lets your subscribers know when they should expect new content. Consistency from you is likely to lead to consistent views from your subscribers.
Commit to a schedule you know you can keep. Under promise and over deliver – putting out an extra video is much better than missing a video.
Posting whenever you like is going to lead to disappointing results most of the time. Imagine your favourite show (Game Of Thrones of course) didn’t come on every week at its scheduled time but instead came on whenever the creators felt like it? You’d likely miss the episodes when they aired and you’d be disappointed when you looked forward to an episode coming out and it didn’t arrive.
Having a content schedule will also improve your content output because you’ve set deadlines – you know when you need to have your videos completed and you can effectively plan according to that.
These tips should definitely help you grow your YouTube channel from 0 views and subscribers.
Book a 1 on 1 YouTube channel consultation with me and check out my other free posts/videos if you want to make the most of your channel!