Are you overlooking this and hurting your YouTube channel?


Today you woke up…again.

And, that may seem like it’s not special to you…but it IS special.

Not to be morbid but – everyday people die.

Any day could be our last…

And, I’ve realised something that’s VERY common in humans:

Most of us don’t appreciate what we have until it’s gone…or taken from us…

Think about it…

Right now, you’re probably reading this on your phone…

Your phone…that has the ability to build an EMPIRE.

But, I bet you don’t appreciate your phone that much…

I bet you just EXPECT your phone to do as you command.


If your phone stopped working…or you lost it…you’d start appreciating all the possibilities you HAD at your fingertips…

You’ll REALISE how important your phone actually is to you in your daily life…

(This is EXACTLY how I felt when my laptop broke down)

You see, when we think something is standard and expected…we stop seeing it as something special…

Maybe you even feel… ENTITLED to it…

And, when it’s taken away from you…

When you’re able to take a step back and truly experience life WITHOUT it… you realise how important that thing actually is to you.

This applies to more than just your phone, or your life…

Think of all the things you DO have right now, focus on that, and take the time to appreciate what you have.

Don’t spend your energy focused on everything you DON’T have…

This mindset shift is VERY powerful.

If you can do this:

You’ll find yourself happier, more productive and being less of a negative nancy.

In fact, your mindset is SOOOO damn important that I’m committing to creating a LOT more content to address issues like this and open your mind up to a new, better way of thinking…

Don’t worry, I’m not going to turn into a motivational guru or something, I’m still gonna share the actionable steps it takes to get where you want…

But the truth is, without the right mindset and fortitude…it DOESN’T MATTER how many steps I teach you. 

You will sabotage your success and you will fail.

So you can expect a bunch more RAW, mindset, vlog, lifestyle type stuff on my channel…this type of content will be EXTREMELY valuable to you… so don’t skip it!


If you think you’ve got your mindset in the right gear and you’re ready to start making a full-time living with your YouTube channel, click the link below to learn how I can help you get there:

All the best,

Jay “Get Your Mind Right” Cartere

Jay Cartere

I’m Jay Cartere - a YouTube certified marketer, entrepreneur and author who teaches frustrated gamers how to grow on YouTube and turn their passions into a business. I went from poor AF to full-time online creator. Now I wake up and do what I love every day - and I want to help you do the same. When I’m not working I like to chill out with a good podcast, a good book or a good album.
