Why I don’t care about getting more subscribers…

Why I don’t care about getting more subscribers…

Subscribers matter less and less every year.

I’m about to drop a gem you don’t want to miss…

You may be thinking:

“You don’t need to care about subscribers anymore. You’re have over 30k of them, I’m starting from 0”.

And that would have been a good point…

5 years ago…

But, here’s the thing.

YouTube has changed. It’s not the same platform it was…

Your subscribers are NOT being sent every one of your videos.

If a viewer misses 2 of your videos you might as well wish him farewell and and a happy life….

Because that’s what YouTube does.

YouTube shows users recommended videos (and some of their subscriptions) based on the recent videos they’ve watched.

So if Steve from Southampton skipped a few of your videos because he wasn’t in the mood to see you fail at God Of War (that is an awesome game btw), then YouTube is going to stop suggesting your videos to him.

This is terrible news for variety channels…

Luckily, I’m able to use my super secret YouTube strategies to rank #1 on YouTube and bring in over 400k views per month.

I can make the videos that I want to make without worrying about YouTube fuxking me over…

Whether I get new subscribers or not doesn’t even cross my mind.

I just create videos that help people solve problems, and those people will search to find my video (I don’t need to beg or spam them).

Do you want to stop caring about getting more subscribers (and discover how to create videos that people will frantically HUNT for)?

Oh boy, you’re in luck.

My course “YouTube For Noobs” will teach you everything you need to:

  • Get more views (by using a simple strategy that will make your viewers think you’re *PSYCHIC*)
  • Make more money (95% of YouTubers never go full-time because they’re chasing the WRONG things)
  • Get more subscribers (because no matter how much I tell you it’s not important… you want more anyway)

And you can grab it here:


Jay Cartere

Jay Cartere

I’m Jay Cartere - a YouTube certified marketer, entrepreneur and author who teaches frustrated gamers how to grow on YouTube and turn their passions into a business. I went from poor AF to full-time online creator. Now I wake up and do what I love every day - and I want to help you do the same. When I’m not working I like to chill out with a good podcast, a good book or a good album.
