Make more money online and get more sales by doing this

Going bed past 4am is no good for your brain power…

I spent last night making fireeeee beats and writing a song and a half.

It’s exciting for me to finally get back into music…but the late night inspiration is an curse and a blessing…

Recently, I saw an interesting clip on twitter:

It was from Steve Harvey.

And, he was saying something along the lines of:

“Rich people don’t sleep 8 hours a day”.

Then he went on to preach about why you SHOULDN’T be sleeping 8 hours a day…

Basically – you should be spending more time grinding.

Listen up:

I love encouraging hard work and ruthless grinding…

These are necessary ingredients to success.

Now, I don’t consider myself “rich” but I’m on the journey there…. 

My finances make me smile these days when they used to make me panic…

I’ve sacrificed my fair share of sleep to put myself in a position to make a comfy living WHILE I sleep…

But, I would NEVER recommend that ANYONE sleeps less to grind more.


I would suggest that you cut out other things that may be wasting your time.

Less netflix…

Less long ass phone calls with no purpose…

Less watching hour long YouTube videos about Game Of Thrones theories…

But, NOT less sleep!!

You NEED sleep to survive fam.

Don’t be foolish…

A while ago, I heard someone on the Joe Rogan podcast share some data – revealing the less hours you sleep, the shorter your lifespan…

Now, I must admit:

I don’t remember which guest said this and I haven’t done any further research into it.

But, it sounds right, right?

You can look into it further if you want to, but I know this:

My brain is foggy af today, and it usually is when I don’t get enough sleep.

It’s better for you to put in an 8 hour grind at 100% effectiveness, than to put in 14hrs at 50% effectiveness.

And, here’s the thing:

If you want to make more money…working MORE hours forever isn’t the smart way to go about it.

Sure, you may need to grind till you hear birds in the morning for a few days, weeks, months, maybe even years…

But, the goal is to work SMARTER so you have time to enjoy your life and do the things you love – by choice, not by necessity.

The best way to do this is to set up automated systems that help your business run WITHOUT you being there…

I’ve created a video below that will help you do this by understanding and building your first sales funnel.

A sales funnel is what you need to turn browsers into buyers and make money in your sleep consistently… 

WITHOUT pitching your products and services to 376 different people in instagram DMs all day.

Remember, the whole point of making money is to BUY YOUR FREEDOM…

Not to work for the sake of working (unless you love working like I do…but it’s much better when you work by CHOICE)…

Click the link below and build your first step to financial freedom today:

All the best,

Jay “I Like Sleep” Cartere

Jay Cartere

I’m Jay Cartere - a YouTube certified marketer, entrepreneur and author who teaches frustrated gamers how to grow on YouTube and turn their passions into a business. I went from poor AF to full-time online creator. Now I wake up and do what I love every day - and I want to help you do the same. When I’m not working I like to chill out with a good podcast, a good book or a good album.
