How to do what *actually* works on YouTube
“All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.”
– Ellen Glasgow
If you’ve been grindingggg your thumbs off…
But, things just don’t seem to be moving in the right direction for you…
Then it’s VERY likely that you’re not following a PROVEN strategy…
Playing the guessing game CAN work eventually, (that’s what I did) but it’s RIDICULOUSLY time-consuming.
It took me more than 7 years of non-stop grinding to figure out how this “making money doing something you love” thing works…
Read on:
Obviously, I don’t want you to spend 7+ years figuring things out like I had to.
That’s why I created the “YouTube For Noobs” course for go-getters like you who want an easy-to-follow roadmap that will take you from begging for subscribers to having a community of viewers that WANT TO WATCH your videos.
So, now you know my value-drenched, premium course exists…you should also know the price is going up this Sunday.
But, there’s more:
I’ve used the information inside to go full-time on YouTube and build a life I love to wake up to every day.
The YouTube For Noobs system has allowed me to get my videos dripping in *quality* views while I sleep…grow my brand and community without wasting my time spamming my links over social media…consistently upload videos like I have a dream-team of editors…and make $3000+ a month on AUTOPILOT.
The course is on sale until Sunday night at midnight (GMT) at a $100.00 discount.
Here’s the sweet lil link:
Jay Cartere
P.S. It also comes with 3 beautiful bonuses:
“Bonus videos and strategies”
These are 4 videos with specific bonus strategies you can use on your channel immediately to help you achieve your goals. In these videos, I tackle some common misconceptions people have about YouTube and I reveal the TRUTH!
For example:
How to create a SUCCESSFUL let’s play channel (it’s NOT by uploading as many let’s plays as possible..)
Why MORE dislikes can actually HELP your channel…(YouTube algorithm DECODED for NOOBS!)
And more…
You also get:
“Access to my private discord group”
In this Discord group you will become part of a welcoming community of ambitious YouTubers who you can connect, collaborate and chat with. So you can build your dream with a team.
If you wanna have your burning questions answered by me and other members of the community – this is the place to do it.
And last but not least, you’ll receive the:
“YouTube For Noobs Ebook”
Previously known as: “A Gamer’s Guide To Greatness”… This ebook is packed with all the information you need to build your YouTube channel and business on the go.
If you need a quick reference to make sure you’re moving in the right direction, this Ebook has you covered.
All these bonuses are yours, free, when you join the YouTube For Noobs course before the deadline: