Don’t be another dead YouTube channel tomorrow…
The past 2 days have been very LONG for me.
I’ve been filming and learning a butt-load about Facebook ads…
I didn’t HAVE to do this at all, but:
Constantly learning new things and experimenting is key if you want to succeed online.
Because the things that worked 2 years ago might not work today…
And I actually LOVE learning new stuff. Especially things about marketing, psychology and data.
(I’m a fiend for data – I wont lie)
But how do you know what DOES work today?
You have to be out here on the ground floor like me, keeping your ear to the ground – listening to the market.
Researching, testing, taking ACTION.
And you gotta learn from people you can trust…
Bad information can be more harmful than NO information…
You should focus your long-term efforts on things like SEO and building your email list: that’s how you become future-proof.
By the way:
Most of the stuff I teach is TIMELESS b.
If anything on YouTube changes…
I’ll simply add an update video to the “YouTube For Noobs” course.
TOMORROW (Saturday) at 2PM (GMT – that’s LONDON time) I’ll be reviewing YouTube channels and dropping some dope knowledge about YouTube marketing and online business.
And, you have the chance to have your channel reviewed and your burning questions answered.
Yeah, it’s gonna be early for you if you’re in the US…
But if you can’t show up to get FREE help…good luck with that YouTube channel – see where that work ethic gets you.
I will ONLY be doing 3 FREE channel reviews…
Are you going to let this opportunity slip through your fingers?
Or are you going to show up and take action?
All you need to do:
Is fill out the form linked below in this email.
Because I need to know where you’re at with your channel and how I can help you the most.
Don’t take this opportunity for granted…
I usually charge big bucks for specific personal advice like this.
If you snooze, you WILL LOSE out.
Here’s the link to the gentle and welcoming form:
Jay Cartere
All students that have purchased the YouTube For Noobs ebook or the course will OBVIOUSLY have priority in the stream.
And turn on your YouTube notifications so you don’t miss the stream!
Don’t be THAT guy.