
Category Archives for "Daily Emails"

YouTube secrets of a furry gamer

Recently, “YouTube For Noobs” ebook reader Niko Linni hit the coveted 500 subscriber milestone on his YouTube channel. Now, I’ll be frank. Niko is NOT fully following the YouTube For Noobs system as I suggest… And I’ve (politely and correctly) told him off for this! If he had been following my advice to the T […]

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The YouTube academy

Last Sunday I decided to take a break. I ended up searching Netflix, struggling to decide what to watch. But my time is precious. Even my leisure time. So I always watch a few reviews before dedicating hours of my life to a new film or series. Then I realised something interesting: There’s a BIG […]

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Adsense is not for small YouTubers

Adsense is an unreliable mess. To make a MEAGRE LIVING off adsense you generally NEED at least a million MONETIZED views per month on your YouTube channel. It depends on the type of content you make… If you make gaming content you will generally get paid less. But if you make content around tech or business, you’ll get paid more because advertisers […]

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Shark tank for YouTubers

I’ve been watching A LOT of Shark Tank on Netflix recently. It’s a great show to learn while being entertained… If you don’t know what “Shark tank” is – it’s a show where entrepreneurs try to pitch their businesses to investors. (The UK version is called dragon’s den – you might want to watch that […]

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Sneak peak at my new course

Here’s the story: Over the past 2 days I made a mistake. That mistake made me feel quite foolish… What happened? Well, if you tried to purchase my book over the past 2 days, you would have seen something you shouldn’t have seen. Something that was meant to stay private… The launch page I was […]

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