YouTube Copyright Claims And Copyright Strikes Explained – What’s The Difference?

If you wanna see YouTube copyright claims and copyright strikes explained, you’re in the right place.

People always seemed to be confused by the difference between a copyright strike and a copyright claim on YouTube.

These both have very different effects on your channel and are easy to tell apart when you have the right knowledge.

In this post I’m going to be helping you understand the difference between a copyright strike and a copyright claim.

Update on June, 19th 2020:

The video above and the post below will give you all the information you need to understand what copyright claims and copyright strikes are and how they affect your YouTube channel.

But, since creating this post, I’ve gotten a bunch of questions…

I’ve answered these common questions in this video update:

Questions like: “can I use copyrighted music if I give credit in the description?”

“can a copyright claim turn into a strike?”

“where can I get copyright-free /royalty-free music to use in my YouTube videos?”

All these questions are answered in the video update above…

And that’s not all…

Since I’m a music producer, I’ve also created a package of music you can use in your videos without ever worrying about getting copyright claims or strikes…

Click the link below for more info on my loops for YouTubers:

(these are royalty-free loops for the background of your YouTube videos…you can stop worrying about copyright strikes and claims if you use these loops. You can also monetise your videos completely)

Now, let’s explain the difference between copyright claims and copyright strikes:

Copyright Claims

YouTube Copyright Claims And Copyright Strikes Explained - What's The Difference? - YouTube Guide | grow on youtube

A copyright claim is issued when you’ve uploaded something that you do not own the copyright to. There are 3 important variations these claims come in

  • The copyright holder can monetise your video. This means that ads will be played on your video and payed to the rights holder.
  • The copyright holder can block your video in certain territories, countries or block it worldwide. This means your video won’t be able to be viewed in any blocked locations.
  • The copyright holder may choose to do nothing

Copyright claims only apply to the videos in question and have no major effect on your channel – you don’t have to be scared of them.

You should, however, be scared of copyright strikes.

Copyright Strikes

YouTube Copyright Claims And Copyright Strikes Explained - What's The Difference? - YouTube Guide | grow on youtube

A copyright strike is issued when you’ve uploaded something that you do not own the copyright to – the big difference here is that the copyright holder chooses to remove your video from YouTube.

This means nobody can monetise it and it’s blocked everywhere.

In addition to that you also may lose access to some features on your YouTube account and your account will no longer be in good standing.

These are some of the features you could have revoked:

  • Monetisation – You won’t be able to monetise your videos.
  • Longer Videos – You won’t be able to upload videos longer than 15 minutes.
  • Live streaming – You won’t be able to live stream from your account.

Also, If you get 3 copyright strikes your channel will be terminated and you’ll be banned from creating another youtube channel, but copyright strikes expire after 6 months.

As you can see, a copyright strike is much more serious than a copyright claim. Getting a copyright strike can cut your income and hamper your content.

YouTube Copyright Claims And Copyright Strikes Explained - What's The Difference? - YouTube Guide | grow on youtube

Both of these copyright issues can be avoided by not using copyrighted music, videos or any other type of copyrighted content in your videos.

The majority of the time you’ll probably receive a copyright claim but you can never be sure. You should be wary of getting a copyright strike so I suggest you play it safe.

You can counter both copyright claims and strikes through the YouTube resolution process but I won’t get into that here, leave a comment if you’d like me to make a video on that.

The basic thing you should get from this video is copyright claims may spell disaster for one video but copyright strikes can spell disaster for your whole channel.

Stop worrying about copyright strikes and copyright claims!

Click here to get my “Loops For YouTubers” so you can use SAFE music in your YouTube videos!

Jay Cartere

I’m Jay Cartere - a YouTube certified marketer, entrepreneur and author who teaches frustrated gamers how to grow on YouTube and turn their passions into a business. I went from poor AF to full-time online creator. Now I wake up and do what I love every day - and I want to help you do the same. When I’m not working I like to chill out with a good podcast, a good book or a good album.
